Ay, Constanza!!! la librería de la Biblioteca LGTBIQ+ Argentina / #ArchivoPIETRO te trae algunos libros curiosos y casi inconseguibles. #CompraArchivo
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Las fotos corresponden a los libros ofrecidos y fueron tomadas por nosotros.
#Homos by #LeoBersani - #HawardUniversityPress 1995
Acclaimed for his intricate, incisive, and often controversial explorations of art, literature, and society, Leo Bersani now addresses homosexuality in America.
Hardly a day goes by without the media focusing an often sympathetic beam on gay life--and, with AIDS, on gay death. Gay plays on Broadway, big book awards to authors writing on gay subjects, Hollywood movies with gay themes, gay and lesbian studies at dozens of universities, openly gay columnists and even editors at national mainstream publications, political leaders speaking in favor of gay rights: it seems that straight America has finally begun to listen to homosexual America.
Still, Bersani notes, not only has homophobia grown more virulent, but many gay men and lesbians themselves are reluctant to be identified as homosexuals. In Homos, he studies the historical, political, and philosophical grounds for the current distrust, within the gay community, of self-identifying moves, for the paradoxical desire to be invisibly visible. While acknowledging the dangers of any kind of group identification (if you can be singled out, you can be disciplined), Bersani argues for a bolder presentation of what it means to be gay. In their justifiable suspicion of labels, gay men and lesbians have nearly disappeared into their own sophisticated awareness of how they have been socially constructed. By downplaying their sexuality, gays risk self-immolation--they will melt into the stifling culture they had wanted to contest.
In his chapters on contemporary queer theory, on Foucault and psychoanalysis, on the politics of sadomasochism, and on the image of "the gay outlaw" in works by Gide, Proust, and Genet, Bersani raises the exciting possibility that same-sex desire by its very nature can disrupt oppressive social orders. His spectacular theory of "homo-ness" will be of interest to straights as well as gays, for it designates a mode of connecting to the world embodied in, but not reducible to, a sexual preference. The gay identity Bersani advocates is more of a force--as such, rather cool to the modest goal of social tolerance for diverse lifestyles--which can lead to a massive redefining of sociality itself, and of what we might expect from human communities.
THE SEXUAL CONSTRUCTION OF LATINO YOUTH Implications for the Spread of hiv aids by Jacobo Schifter AND Johnny Madrigal /
The Haworth Hispanic/Latino Press _ 2000
Pink Therapy: A Guide for Counsellors and Therapists Working with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients by Dominic Davies and Charles Neal
"Pink Therapy" is the 1st British guide for counsellors and therapists working with people who are lesbian, gay or bisexual. It provides [an] overview of lesbian, gay and bisexual psychology, and examines some of the differences between lesbians, gays and bisexuals, and heterosexuals. [It] proposes a model of gay affirmative therapy, which challenges the prevailing pathologizing models. It will help to provide answers to pressing questions such as: what is different about lesbian, gay and bisexual psychologies?: how can I improve my work with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients? [and] what are the key clinical issues that this work raises?
The contributors [provide] information about the contemporary experience of living as a lesbian, gay or bisexual person, and . . . explore some of the common difficulties.
"Pink Therapy" [is intended] for students and practitioners of counselling and psychotherapy, and will also be of value to anyone involved in helping people with a lesbian, gay or bisexual orientation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved)
Fear Of A Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory
In recent years, lesbians and gay men have developed a new, aggressive style of politics. At the same time, innovative intellectual energies have made queer theory an explosive field of study. In "Fear of a Queer Planet", Michael Warner draws on emerging new queer politics, and shows how queer activists have come to challenge basic assumptions about the social and political world. Existing traditions of theory - Marxism, cultural studies, psychoanalysis, anthropology, legal theory, nationalism, and antinationalism - have too often presupposed a heterosexual society, as the essays in this volume demonstrate. "Fear of a Queer Planet" suggests a new agenda for social theory. It moves beyond the idea that lesbians and gay men share a minority identity and special interests and that their issues can be subordinated to more general social conflicts. Instead, Warner and the other contributors to this volume show that queer sexualities take many forms, are the subject of many kinds of conflict and struggles, and must be taken as a starting point in thinking about cultural politics. This collection explores the impact of ACT UP, Queer Nation, multiculturalism, the new religious right, outing, queerness, postmodernism, and other shifts in the politics of sexuality. The authors featured speak from different backgrounds of gender, race, nationality, and discipline. Together, they show how struggles over sexuality have profound implications for progressive politics, social theory, and cultural studies. Michael Warner has written extensively on censorship and the public sphere, the construction of American literary history, and the social and political implication of literary theories. He is author of "The Letter of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century America" and co-editor of "The Origins of Literary Studies in America: A Documentary Anthology".
Epistemology of the Closet
by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
Since the late 1980s, queer studies and theory have become vital to the intellectual and political life of the United States. This has been due, in no small degree, to the influence of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's critically acclaimed Epistemology of the Closet. Working from classic texts of European and American writers including Melville, James, Nietzsche, Proust, and Wilde
Sedgwick analyzes a turn-of-the-century historical moment in which sexual orientation became as important a demarcation of personhood as gender had been for centuries. In her preface to this updated edition Sedgwick places the book both personally and historically, looking specifically at the horror of the first wave of the AIDS epidemic and its influence on the text.
Homossexualidade e perversão na psicanálise
Una resposta aos gay and lesbianas studies
Graciela Haydeée Barbero
O trabalho de Graciela faz um levantamento extenso sobre as relações entre perversão e homossexualidade nas obras de Freud e Lacan. Isso, por si só, já constitui uma contribuição significativa, principalmente porque não se trata apenas de um levantamento neutro, tecnicamente orientado para a exegese de conceitos, mas de um levantamento filtrado contra o preconceito psicanalítico que paira sobre a questão. É absolutamente necessário separar as categorias de homossexualidade e perversão em psicanálise. A ligação entre os dois termos é facilmente datável na sexologia do século XIX e se mostra dependente de um modelo androcêntrico, patriarcal e essencialista de consideração da subjetividade. De acordo com o sentido crítico e renovador deste livro sua argumentação vai sempre no sentido de abolir a relação direta e intrínseca entre uma prática específica de gozo e uma forma regular, constitutiva ou estrutural de subjetivação. Finalmente alguém se propôs a dizer e demonstrar isso, com todas as letras, a partir da psicanálise.
Gay male identity and the politics of public healt messages
Harrington Park Press - 1984
AIDS, Communication, and Empowerment examines the cultural construction of gay men in light of discourse used in the media’s messages about HIV/AIDS--messages often represented as educational, scientific, and informational but which are, in fact, politically charged. The book offers a compelling and substantive look at the social consequences of communication about HIV/AIDS and the reasons for the successes and failures of contemporary health communication. This analysis is important because it provides a reading of health communication from a marginal perspective, one that has often been kept silent in mainstream academic research.
AIDS, Communication, and Empowerment offers a critical, historical analysis of public health communication about HIV/AIDS; the ways this communication makes sense historically and culturally; and the implications such messages have for the marginal group which has been most stigmatized as a consequence of these messages. It covers such topics as:
the relationship among gay identity, language, and power
cultural studies of the historical development of gay identity
studies in health communication about HIV/AIDS and health risk communication
the political consequences of public health education about HIV/AIDS on gay men
the political consequences of media representations of gay identity and its relationship to disease
Based primarily on the French scholar Michel Foucault’s critical, historical analysis of discourse and sexuality, this book takes a timely and original approach which differs from traditional, quantitative communication studies. It examines the relationship between language and culture using a qualitative, cultural studies approach which places medicalization theories in the broader context of histories of sexuality, the discursive development of contemporary gay identity, and recent public health communication.
Author Roger Myrick explains how mainstream communication about HIV/AIDS relentlessly stigmatizes and further marginalizes gay identity. He describes how national health education stigmatizes groups by associating them with images of disease and “otherness.” Even communication which originates from marginal groups, particularly those relying on federal funds, often participates in linking gay identities with disease. According to Myrick, government funding, while often necessary for the continuation of community-based health campaigns, poses obvious and direct restrictions on effective marginal education.
AIDS, Communication, and Empowerment allows for a rethinking of ways marginal groups can take control of their own education on public health issues. As HIV/AIDS cases continue to rise dramatically among marginalized and disenfranchised groups, analysis of health communication directed toward them becomes crucial to their survival. This book provides valuable insights and information for scholars, professionals, readers interested in the relationship among language, power and marginal identity, and for classes in gay and lesbian studies, health communication, or political communication.
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