lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

VAMOS a la XX Marcha del Orgullo LGTBI!!!

Este año estaremos nuevamente en Plaza de Mayo en la XX Marcha del Orgullo LGTBI.

La Biblioteca LGTBI "Oscar Hermes Villordo" es un proyecto autogestionado, independiente y gratuito que funciona en la localidad de Hurlingham desde 2009. 

Ay, Constanza!!! es una tienda virtual de libros antiguos, descatalogados, raros que ademas ofrece discos de vinilo, juguetes retro, películas, etc. A través de sus ventas la Biblioteca LGTBI puede seguir siendo independiente, autogestionada y gratuita. 

En nuestro stand encontraras cerca de 150 libros de tematica LGTBI y Género. 
Con tu compra estarás colaborando con la Biblioteca.

DONACIONES: Si tenes un libro que ya no quieras, una revista o algo que consideres podría estar en nuestra Biblioteca o Museo, no dejes de llevarlo ese día a nuestro stand: RECORDÁ NUESTROS LOGOS!!!


jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011


Queremos presentarles estos bellos relojes de Coihue Patgónico. Relojes artesanales con los

 mas diversos diseños. Vos podes elegir el diseño que queres. Estos son algunos modelos 

realizados por Gabriela. Te invitamos a verlos este año en la feria temática de la XX Marcha 

del Orgullo, el sábado 5 desde las 13 hs en Plaza de Mayo. Justo al lado del stand de 

Ay,Constanza!!! y la Biblioteca LGTTBI "Oscar Hermes Villordo" PEDÍ EL TUYO!!!

Revistas Primera Plana años 60-70

Primera Plana 
N°449 - 7 Septiembre 1971 
Habla Peron a calzon quitado
Todos pretenden ser intérpretes del pensamiento de Juan Perón, pero los enfoques son múltiples, heterogéneos, contradictorios. Nadie mejor que él mismo para brindar el núcleo de su concepción política, económica e histórica, Superando el plano de la anécdota, primera plana presenta la última exposición doctrinal del Jefe Justicialista, extraída de una cinta magnetofónica que circula en exclusivos núcleos de su partido.

-Libros y autores: Hect Chacon y Manuel Scorza. El escozor de un peruano.
-Emiir Rodriguez Monegal - Borges ya tiene quien le escriba
-Penderecki: la luz celeste
-Rugby: el miedo a jugar bien
-Publicidades: Teleonce, cigarrillos Colorado, Gran Acuerdo Nacional, whisky Royal Command...

 Primera Plana
N°455 - 19 O tubre 1971
Paladino "Peron me dijo..."
El batacazo de Lanusse
Vida Moderna "La jerga del divan"
La Television por Art Buchwald
La muerte del ballet: Cae avion con nueve integrantes del cuerpo estable del teatro Colon
Libros y autores: La redaccion al poder - Paul Lidsky - Carlos Droguett
Elliot Gould el Belmondo de USA
Cuento inedto de Osvaldo Manzi
TV: Cosa Juzgada, clan Stivel en Villa Carlos Paz
Deportes: Un virus paso por el polo  - Horacio jose Arrayas.

 Primera Plana
N°435 - 1 de Junio de 1971
-La montonera de Sorel
-El pais: La economia sin cabeza
-Economia y negocios: Fragmentacion del poder
Humor grafico por Kalondi
Suplemento La Provicia de Cordoba - Mas que turismo
Libros y autores: Disparen sobre el Althusser. Lenin. Marx. Engels.
Deportes: Cañonero II si hasta el nombre te han cambiado Turf. 
-El Macbeth de Polanski
-Edda Diaz en "Orgullosamente Humilde"
-USA - URSS una ilusion prematura
-Publicidades: Renault 12 IKA, Mercedes Benz, Mehari, Tiempo Nuevo...

 Primera Plana
N°475 - 7 Marzo 1972
Lanusse - Peron ¿Y?
-CGT El gran paro nacional
-Brignone: las ilusiones perdidas
-Justicialismo: Licastro, Lopez Rega. Alborada y ocaso
-Exclusivo desde Madrid el documento de Peron tactica y estrategia
-Cualquier politica es mejor que ninguna por Jose Ignacio Echechiquia
-Skylab con las manos en la masa
-Informe especial: invasion de helicopteros americanos e la guerra asiatica
-Frantz Fanon: la violencia creadora 
-Teatro Argentino: Gambaro, Petraglia y otros
-Eric Clapton
-Rodolfo Beban hace ROSAS
-Deportes: El viejo y el mar: Fjord V Buenos Aires - Rio de Janeiro 

Primera Plana
N°472 – 15 Febrero 1972
Jose Ignacio Rucci
La respuesta de CGT
-El equilibro del terror
--Peronismo ¿Cuál es su duda?
-YPF la danza de los millones
-Brignone Mision casi posible
-Buenos Aires 2001 Odisea del espacio
-Miguel Gila: A contar vidas
-Eloy Rebora TV or not TV
-Bertold Brecht: UN dia en mi vida
-Paul Mc Cartney  “Alas vida salvaje”
-El fascismo se avecina
-America para los futbolistas por Alberto Laya

Primera Plana
N°436 – 8 Junio 1971
Los fusilamientos de 1956
Entrevista a un cautivo Tupamaro

-El pais: Entre aprontes y sustos
-Cincuenta por cinco por Alberto J. Gabrielli
-CIDI el arte nacional
-Parker  Pe en la Argentina
-Vida Moderna: El top top de Mau Mau
-Modas: El YO-YO – Enrique Alfonso Trujillo
-El heredero de la promesa: Rosa Luxemburg, Trotsky, Ruibal, Brecht
-¿La opera en crisis?
-Rafel Onetto la exaltacion y el metodo
-Cremona de Armando Discepolo por Nestor Tirri
-Mario Davidovsky a pesar de los argentinos
-La valija con Luis Sandrini al cine
-Habla Jackson desde la carcel tupamara
-Publicidades: Torino 1971

Primera Plana
N°419 – 9 Febrero 1971
La oposición en la URSS
-Terrorismo, el pan de cada dia
-Economia y negocios. Argentinizacion con aval externo
-Los riesgos del espacio
-Ferrocarriles: la gran ilusion
-Mercedes Robirosa la verdad contagiosa
-Libros y autores: Una temporada en Haiti
-Luigi Malerba el anonimato de la historia
Oposicion en Rusia la delgada cuña – La prensa underground
-Entre baladas y bagualas: Leda Valladares.
-Lennon: A Yoko la despreciaban
-China – USA una amistad necesaria
Deportes: Roberto Perfumo – Adriana Grebnicoff
-La razon de sus vidas por Alberto Laya
Publicidad: Locuras de Isidoro, cigarrillos Peter Stuyvesant

Primera Plana
N°288 – 2 al 8 de Julio de 1968
Alberto Rendo y el futbol de San Lorenzo
El gobierno en apuros

-La estrategia de la oposicion por Mariano Grondona
-El gobierno en apuros: Ongania, Illia, Candido Lopez, sucesos de plaza Once
-El plan politico de Alsogaray. Ringo Bonavena y su amigo Alvaro Alsogaray
-Tragedias: Los martires de la Puerta 12
-Uruguay: el sonido y la furia
-Brasil, un paso atrás dos pasos adelante
-USA guerra fuera y guerra dentro
-Francia, vuelta a la derecha
-Suplemento color: Las ciencias ocultas de la belleza
-Historia del peronismo: La muerte de Juan Duarte
-Topo Gigio la productiva ternura – Familia Telerin
-La Botica de Eduardo Bergara Leumann
-La nueva novela: Puig, Harss, Ford, Martelli, Garcia
-Inferno II de Jose Lezama Lima
-Aniversarios: Eleccion de Illia
-Publicidades: Ford Falcon, Fravega, Rambler, Coca Cola, Firmeroy

Primera Plana
N°432 – 11 Mayo 1971
La contraofensiva militar
Monjas: Las que se van
-Casos argentinos: El Che Guevara y su padre
-Juan Manuel Fangio, la consagracion final
-Economia y negocios: Lento declive hacia la crisis
-CEPAL – El pasajero de la lluvia . Fidel Castro – Allende
-Jorge Luis Borges “El congreso” dos paginas, dos fotos, fragmento de texto “Un cuento de amor”
-Testimonios: Allende se define
-Amancio Williams: el conventillo de nunca acabar
-Teatro: Requiem para la izquierda: Cossa, Halac, Dragun, Rozenmacher, Talesnik, Marial, Durán por Mario Trejo
-El mundo: Adios al tio de barbita: Walter Ulbricht
-CUBA. Fidel castro, Julio Cortazar. Fidel ya no tiene  quien le escriba
-Deportes: Monzon esos locos puños – Mujeres del tenis
-Publicidades: Tato Bores Super Tato Radio del Plata – Cosa Juzgada de David Stivel en Teleonce – Tiempo Nuevo - Suter

Primera Plana
N°491 - 27 Junio 1972
Ganar la calle
-Represión: para la picana no hay veda
-Cultura: a dos años de su muerte el orbe novelístico de Leopoldo Marechal
-Carta de situación del partido Militar: Actualización informativa al 24 de Junio de 1972
-El ideal de los “golpistas” argentinos por Jorge Antonio
-Las juventudes politicas
-La candidatura de Peron
-La nacionalización de la pluma
-Los sindicatos medicos
-Ni hablar de estas mujeres: Chunchuna Villafañe – Raquel Ferrario – Alicia fernandez del grupo MUCHACHA por la liberacion de la mujer
-Mar Chiquita una tierra para todos
-Entrevista a Jorge Cafrune
-Ricardo Zelarayan: una voz en el anonimato
-Las travesuras de Doña Martha Lynch
-Cadicamo habla de Cobian
-Eduardo Feinmann, Armada y Gonzalez: Los jóvenes lucidos ENVIDIO
-Susana Mara una vision de America
-Alberto Cedron: La fuerza en la plaza
-Stivel – Gene – Marilina Ross: EL teatro en su salsa
-Bolivia: Armas que oprimen al pueblo
-Golda Meir: Los comicios salvadores
Documentos originales de la armada
Deportes: Escandalos del automovilismo
-Carlos Monzon por seguir siendo el mejor
-Aniversario: Emilio Mariano Jauregui

Primera Plana
N°325 – 18 al 24 de Marzo de 1969
Roman Polanski el papá de Rosemary

-Buenos Aires, ajuste de cuentas
-Jordan de la Cazuela, cuando el aplauso es grande
-Banqueros las invasiones inglesas
-De cómo llegar a Sherlock Holmes o a Watson
-Aniversarios Marzo 18 de 1919 nace la sociedad Argentina de Actores
-La rebelión de los cristianos negros
-Automovilismo: Jorge Cupeiro
Edictos: Moralidad, higiene y seguridad
-Antonio Skarmeta, escritor. Nota y texto.
-Narciso Ibañez Menta cincuenta años de asustar a la gente
-Jorge Luis Borges, el cicerone del laberinto – Entrevista
-Los muchachos de antes no usaban gomina
-Francia el malestar de las almas
-Publicidades: Chrysler – cigarrillos Commander – cigarrillos 43/70 – Lord Cheseline – Jaujarama por Teleonce – Old Spice – Olivetti Lettera 22 – cigarrillos True.

Primera Plana
N°453 – 5 Octubre 1971
Sinodo: La acusacion del tercer mundo Padre Carlos Mugica
-Galimberti a la una a las dos y…
-Facultad de Filosofia: ceremonia secreta
-Centro editor de America Latina – Torturados a fuego y agua
-Economia y negocios – Los visitantes de Lanusse
-Calesitas, una industria que da risa
-Informe especial, entrevista al Padre Carlos Mugica.
-Carta de Peron a los curas
-Libros y autores, las memoris de un Dios loco: Lovecraft, Lord Dunsany
-El knock out de Edmund Valladares
-Rovi Shankar: Hallar el alma al mundo
-Un guapo del 900
-Publicidades Chevy


miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Algunas Novedades en Ingles

Political Theory Today 
Edited by David Held
Polity Press - Uk - 1995

This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the central questions and debates in contemporary political thought and offers guidelines for the reformulation of political theory in the light of the philosophical and substantive problems it faces today.
The book includes discussion of the nature of political obligation; the interrelation of equality and liberty; gender; the public and the private; principles of justice and the conditions of their realization; democratic politics and the forms of representation; sovereignty, the nation-state and the international system; the role of international law; and war and the legitimate use of force.
The volume is composed of major new essays by leading scholars in political theory from Europe, Africa and the United States: John Dunn, Stephen Lukes, Susan Moller Okin, Andrew Reeve, Jon Elster, Claus Offe, Ulrich Preuss, Iain McLean, David Held, Charles Beitz, Antonio Cassese, Onora O'Neill, Samir Amin and Agnes Heller. Students and academics in political theory, and those in the social sciences concerned with contemporary political thought, will all be interested in this book.

Endgames - Questions In Late Modern Political Thought 
by John Gray
Polity press - UK - 1997

In this book John Gray argues that we live in a time of endings for the ideologies that governed the modern period. The Enlightenment projects of universal emancipation animates all the political doctrines and movements that are central in contemporary western societies. Yet it does not reflect the reality of the plural world in which we live. The western cultural hegemony which the Enlightenment embodied is coming to a close. Western liberal societies are not precursors of a universal civilization, but only one form of life among many in the late modern world. Our inherited stock of political ideas no longer tracks that world. The crisis of New Right thought is as profound as that of the Left. Green theorists and communitarian thinkers have not understood the deep diversity and intractable conflicts of contemporary societies. And postmodernists, whose thought is ruled by the dated utopias of the modern period, do not engage with the real conditions of the world's emerging postmodern societies. Late modern thought occurs in an interregnum between modern projects that are no longer credible and postmodern realities that many find intolerable. John Gray suggests that some Enlightenment hopes of progress must be extinguished if we are to learn to respect cultural diversity and accept ecological limits. Respect for the Earth and for other species and cultures means abandoning the utopian and arcadian projects that haunt modern thought. We should aim to moderate the impact of human activity on the Earth while alleviating the unavoidable evils of human life. Yet the hubris which treats the Earth as an instrument of human purposes, and which regards other cultures as approximations to a universal civilization, embodies ancient and powerful traditions. John Gray's aim is to question these traditions and thereby to prepare our thinking for a time of beginnings.

The Anatomy of Antiliberalism 
by Stephen Holmes 
Harvard university press - USA - 1996

Liberal: spoken in a certain tone, heard more and more often lately, it summons up permissiveness, materialism, rootlessness, skepticism, relativism run rampant. How has liberalism, the grand democratic ideal, come to be a dirty word? This hook shows us what antiliberalism means in the modern world--where it comes from, whom it serves, and why it speaks with such a forceful, if everchanging, voice.

In the past, in a battle pitting one offspring of eighteenth-century rationalism against another, Marxism has been liberalism's best known and most vociferous opponent. But with the fall of communism, the voices of ethnic particularism, communitarianism, and religious fundamentalism--a tradition Holmes traces to Joseph de Maistre--have become louder in rejection of the Enlightenment, failing to distinguish between the descendants of Karl Marx and Adam Smith. Stephen Holmes uses the tools of the political theorist and the intellectual historian to expose the philosophical underpinnings of antiliberalism in its nonmarxist guise. Examining the works of some of liberalism's severest critics--including Maistre, Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, and Alasdair Maclntyre--Holmes provides, in effect, a reader's guide to antiliberal culture, in all its colorful and often seductive, however nefarious, variety. As much a mindset as a theory, as much a sensibility as an argument, antiliberalism appears here in its diverse efforts to pit "spiritual truths" and "communal bonds" against a perceived cultural decay and moral disintegration. This corrosion of the social fabric--rather than the separation of powers, competitive elections, a free press, religious tolerance, public budgets, and judicial controls on the police--is what the antiliberal forces see as the core of liberal politics. Against this picture, Holmes outlines the classical liberal arguments most often misrepresented by the enemies of liberalism and most essential to the future of democracy.

Constructive as well as critical, this book helps us see what liberalism is and must be, and why it must and always will engender deep misgivings along with passionate commitment. 

Capitalism Against Capitalism 
by Michel Albert 
Whurr Publishers - UK - 1993

Communism has collapsed. Capitalism has rid itself of the competition on which it thrives. But though now victorious, capitalism has become a threat. The future of us all may be shaped by the outcome of the conflict between capitalism as victor and capitalism as threat. Not only in Europe, but also in the US and Japan - and no doubt shortly in the Eastern countries too - the great debate is capitalism versus capitalism.
On the one hand is the "neo-American" model based on individual achievement and short-term profits. On the other is the Rhine model practices in Switzerland, Germany, Benelux, Northern Europe and, partly, in Japan. In the Rhine model collective achievement and public concensus are seen as the keys to long-term success.
The first is more seductive, the second more effective. These two opposing forms of capitalism are engaged in a war which, like all internal conflicts, involves both secrecy and even hypocrisy. The outcome of this struggle could affect the quality of life on all levels of society.
The author of this book aims to provide a synthesis which will force the reader to consider the political and economic issues at stake towards the end of the century.

From the Back Cover

Communism has collapsed. Capitalism has rid itself of the competition on which it thrives. But though now victorious, capitalism has become a threat. The future of us all may be shaped by the outcome of the conflict between capitalism as victor and capitalism as threat. Not only in Europe, but also in the US and Japan - and no doubt shortly in the Eastern countries too - the great debate is capitalism versus capitalism.
On the one hand is the "neo-American" model based on individual achievement and short-term profits. On the other is the Rhine model practices in Switzerland, Germany, Benelux, Northern Europe and, partly, in Japan. In the Rhine model collective achievement and public concensus are seen as the keys to long-term success.
The first is more seductive, the second more effective. These two opposing forms of capitalism are engaged in a war which, like all internal conflicts, involves both secrecy and even hypocrisy. The outcome of this struggle could affect the quality of life on all levels of society.
The author of this book aims to provide a synthesis which will force the reader to consider the political and economic issues at stake towards the end of the century.

Dimensions of radical democracy:
pluralism, citizenship, community 
Edited by Chantal Mouffe
VERSO - USA - 1995

The themes of citizenship and community are today at the center of a lively debate as both Left and Right try to mobilize them for their cause. Indeed, such notions are crucial in the current attempt to redefine the project of theLeft in terms of an extension and radicalization of democracy. But, argue the contributors to this volume, these concepts need to be made compatible with the pluralism that marks modern democracy.

The English Tribe 
Identity, Nation and Europe 
By Stephen Haseler

The English Tribe is about the crisis of nation and national identity facing the English - and the British - as we meet the challenges of the global economy and absorption into a federal Europe. It asks: what does it mean to be English - and British - at the very end of the twentieth-century? And it argues that as Britain becomes part of a federal Europe there will be no need for the centralized United Kingdom (monarchy, Westminster and Whitehall) as power is divided upwards to Brussels and downwards to the nations, regions and cities of Britain.

Table of Contents

Preface - Introduction - The Making of Englishness - An Audit of Englishness - Identity-Crisis - True Brits, Real England - A Federal Destiny - Goodbye to All That - References - Index

 The Rise of Neoconservatism 
Intellectuals and Foreign Affairs 1945-1994 by John Ehrman
Yale University Press -  USA - 1995

A small group of neoconservatives—Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Norman Podhoretz, Jeane Kirkpatrick, and others—has had an influence on American politics that far outweighs their numbers. This book is the first discussion of their impact on foreign policy. John Ehrman tells how the neoconservative movement evolved out of the broad anticommunist coalition that dominated American liberalism from the late 1940s to the late 1960s. The neoconservatives continued to advance hardline anticommunism, gradually broke with what they viewed as liberalism's and the Democratic Party's dangerous turn to the left during the 1970s, and regained their influence as part of Reagan's conservative coalition during the 1980s.

John Ehrman traces the neoconservatives' shift from cold-war liberalism to conservatism, focusing on the careers and thinking of the most intellectually and politically important members—especially Moynihan, whose political and intellectual careers are here analyzed for the first time. Ehrman shows how the neoconservatives who held office under President Reagan tried to reinforce the administration's anticommunist outlook while also moving it toward a policy of actively assisting foreign governments and groups trying to develop democratic institutions of their own. Ehrman corrects many misconceptions about neoconservatives, illustrates the differences among them, and traces the consistencies in their foreign policy thinking. He also examines their successes and failures in translating their concepts into political action, and analyzes their place in both modern American liberalism and the conservative movement. 
John Ehrman is assistant professorial lecturer in history at George Washington University.
On Nationality 
by David Miller 
Oxford Political Theory - UK 1995 - 

Nationalism is a dominating force in contemporary politics, but political philosophers have been markedly reluctant to discuss, let alone endorse, nationalist ideas. In this book, David Miller defends the principle of nationality, arguing that national identities are valid sources of personal identity; that we are justified in recognizing special obligations to our co-nationals; that nations have good grounds for wanting to be politically self-determining; but that recognizing the claims of nationality does not entail suppressing other sources of personal identity, such as ethnicity. Finally, he considers the claim that national identities are dissolving in the late twentieth century. This timely and provocative book offers the most compelling defense to date of nationality from a radical perspective.

Archivo Revista GENTE - Parte 1

  Consultas:   GENTE #749 Noviembre 1979 COMPRAR